Well, this section isn't very big at the moment. This is a page where information can be inputted for us to display. The idea being if you know of any good events, shops, clubs or even IRC, newsgroup things let us know. We'll then review them and put your information on "The Web!"
Information can be submited via EMail and when the site is updated, if it's OK, it'll go on. Please don't send us "this shop is bad" emails. We can't publish them as the club can't afford liable actions. If you can justify your reasons then We'll probably heed your advice, but CWCCC is too important to risk. If you do submit info please could you include some contact details (email etc.) so anyone can contact you for further info, if nessecary.
Computer Corner has been running for such a long time now and ever since the beginning they have supported EVERY platform. Amiga, Spectrum, C64, Atari etc. almost all computers and consoles. Constant stock for the Amiga is available, new and old, hardware and software. Tons of miscellaneous items and cool things. Most items bought, sold and exchanged.
They have close connections to CWCCC and are the main outlet for FFS Pd Company.
Open every day (except Monday and Thursday) from 9AM until 3.30PM, Friday until 4PM and Saturday
until 4.30PM. Situated in the Coventry Retail Market, stall 15 and 16 (Woolworths
For more information about Computer Corner you can phone Helen on (01203) 256200
before 5PM or you can EMail
Luke Stowe (FFS Pd Company).
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